"Jesus said, 'I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly" (John 10:10).
Do you desire a life of perfect harmony with creation, each other, and God​? This is exactly what Jesus promises to everyone who responds to God's true story. It's a story that answers life's most pressing questions and fulfills our deepest desires. The result is nothing less than a spiritual rebirth.
"Even when we were dead, God made us alive together with Christ" (Ephesians 2:5).

Know God
The Bible is our essential source
of knowledge about God.
Read it. The "Read Scripture" app is a great guide for reading through the Bible.
Understand it. The "Bible Project" website has video explanations of every book.
Remember it. The "Verses"
app is wonderful scripture memory and meditation tool.

Talk with God
Prayer is our effective means of communication with God.
Learn how. This book "Praying the Bible" teaches you how to pray.
Make it a habit. The "Daily Prayer" app helps to make prayer regular activity.
Pray for others. The "Prayer Mate" app encourages prayer for the needs of others.

Be with God's People
Community is our necessary environment for spiritual growth.
Gather in person. No app can substitute for the community of physical presence with others.
Gather online. A Zoom connection is available during Sunday worship for those who are unable to gather in person. Connect with Us for details.
Let us know your Prayers and Praises. We would love to pray for you!